Show Case of Art in RTC Fair

Royal Thimphu College celebrated the 10th anniversary on October 31st with various activity to mark the day.  Student made the event exciting by bring different activities on the campus. The most liked and interesting event was the face paint.

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Hey, does the face just looks excellent with standard development, 2 ears, 2 eyes, 1 nose and 1 mouth? Sounds exhausting! What about applying a design to your face? It really does express your expression. Face painting is commonly found in occasion and yes! RTC fair really brought that event. When I was going around the campus, I found many people with face paint and I was like WOW! It really look good.  There was different type of design on face painting. Some did hallow-en design , batman sign and many other different design of face painting on that day. It really made the event exciting. The face painting stall were filled with people and the people were happy with the colors.


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